Welcome back to Kids Church Online. In term 3, whether we are online or in person we exploring stories where God does much much more than people ask or imagine. God can do that for us today too!
Bible Story – Rahab and the Spies
Today’s story is found in Joshua 2.
After God’s people left Eygpt they spent a long time in the desert, but finally it was time for God to lead them into the land he had promised to give them. Joshua was the new leader of the Israelities and he sent spies to find out what the new land was like. Find out what happens next in today’s story.
Questions to Discuss
What was your favourite part of the story? Why do you like it?
How do you think Rahab felt when she heard about God’s people coming to Jericho? How do you think the spies felt going into Jericho?
Have you ever had a moment in your life when you felt God telling you to let go of doubt and to “be strong and courageous”? Is there something you need to trust God for this week?
Pray about these things together!
Worship In Song
Use the music videos above or find your own songs to sing or tap along to. We have a playlist on Spotify with some songs that relate to our stories this term. Check it out here.
21 Days of Prayer
We have a special time of prayer coming up in August. We’re calling it 21 Days of Prayer and it goes for 21 days! During this time we will be praying for what God has done, is doing and will do in the future for our church. More details coming soon!
A Verse to Remember