Come and join us for our Carols & Nativity Service at 10am on Sunday 22 December. English, Mandarin, Korean. All Ages. All welcome!
Combined Service: 9am
Lunch: 11am-1pm
Enjoy Good Food, Friendship & Christmas Activities to celebrate the birth of Jesus
Please bring a plate of food to share. For more information contact the Church office
Fun, Food & Fellowship. Join us in the Hall at CBC. $20 Donation for Angeltree/Prison Fellowship
10am Church Meeting – for a short talk, awards & photos
12-1:30pm Lunch – Bring food to share from your country.
See your teacher & classmates again!
We will be having a farewell dinner for Karen & Arthur Chan on Saturday 31 August from 5pm.
Please bring a dish to share. It will be an informal night to share together with Arthur & Karen as a community & express our appreciation for the valuable contribution they have made to the ministry at CBC.
If you would like to contribute to a Love gift from the CBC Church family, please deposit into the Church account with the reference ChanLoveGift or place your gift in a marked envelope in the offering bag.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 25 August at 12:15pm. Reports will be available in the admin section of the website from Sunday 11 August.
When: 9:30am Saturday 18th May
Distance: Maximum distance approximately 7.6km (one way)
Why: To raise $8000 for Baptist Mission Australia May Mission month
($4000 for the Thailand Youth Camp 2025 with Muana and Villy [Not tax deductible];
$4000 for Where BMA can use across all projects [Tax Deductible])
If you would like to participate, please pick up a sponsorship form from the foyer (or request from the office and ask friends and family to sponsor you either per km or with a general donation.
If you are unable to participate but still would like to support the projects, a donation form is also available from the foyer (or request from the office
Further details, please speak to Rachael Tan (Missions Coordinator)
Our Annual Church Business Meeting will be held on Sunday 27 August at 11:30am at CBC. Reports are available on the website and in the Church foyer.
Through the Baptist Care people at Hope street, we have the opportunity to make a real difference for the poor, homeless & marginalised folks living in the Woolloomoolloo area.
Items Needed:
Long Life Milk, Coffee, Noodle Cups, Tuna (small tins), Cereals/ Weetbix, Deodorants, Dish Washing liquid, Clothes Washing Powder / Liquid
Towels, Men’s T Shirts, Men’s Jeans, Men’s Shoes.
(Nothing else needed for the Op shop as they are still unpacking donations given at Christmas.)
Together we can make a difference!
Come and join us for our Carols & Nativity Service at 10am on Sunday 18th December. English, Mandarin, Korean. All Ages. All welcome.