Monthly Church Prayer Meeting
Join us for our Monthly Church Prayer Meeting, 3-4pm by ZOOM. This month our Prayer focus is God's Heart for Justice and Our Repsonse.
Join us for our Monthly Church Prayer Meeting, 3-4pm by ZOOM. This month our Prayer focus is God's Heart for Justice and Our Repsonse.
Our next quarterly Church Meeting will be on Sunday 22nd November at 3pm by ZOOM. The Agenda and all Reports and will be available from...
Breakfast in small groups, and streaming to hear from our guest speakers. Breakfast from 8am. Our guest speakers lead an online gaming ministry. They will...
We would love you to get involved....whether you'd like to record yourself sharing what you are grateful for, email something to the Church Office or...
80 People from the English congregation will be able to attend in-person for a viewing and sing-along to the Carols and Nativity service (with more...
Carols in your Backyard Livestream hosted by Colin Buchanan and Emma Pask – Who will you invite to your house to celebrate? Go to the...
Nativity Reflection Stations walk-through event at Church – come anytime with your family to pray, reflect and enjoy the lights!
Nativity Reflection Stations walk-through event at Church – come anytime with your family to pray, reflect and enjoy the lights!
Join us at 9am online here as we celebrate the birth of Jesus together!
Join us online at 10am as Sylvia Collinson shares with us from Proverbs 1:1-7.