Men’s Walk
Barangaroo - a guided walk with Stuart Pittendrigh who has working knowledge of the area.
Barangaroo - a guided walk with Stuart Pittendrigh who has working knowledge of the area.
Between the 2 morning services. Fundraising for our Church Property. Bake something to sell and/or bring cash to buy!
Remember, this is an important part of our life together, where we receive updates on all that is going on in the life of our...
Spiritual Gifts / Network debrief - where to from here? See Margy Ridley or Lyn Kidson.
This morning we will gather to remember and be thankful for all the ways that God has blessed us this last year - both as individuals...
Carols in the Park is an annual event organised by local churches in the Epping – Carlingford area. It’s a family-friendly event with food, market...
A special traditional Christmas experience for all ages. All services will combine at 10am.
You are invited to a special celebration Christmas service for all ages. 9am Christmas Day
In this, our ‘Launch Service’ for 2016, Daniel Waugh will be formally inducted into his role as Youth and Young Adults Pastor, and we will...