HopeStreet Collections – 17th & 24th June
We will be collecting items for BaptistCare HopeStreet on the 17th and the 24th of June. A box will be in the church foyer on each day to...
We will be collecting items for BaptistCare HopeStreet on the 17th and the 24th of June. A box will be in the church foyer on each day to...
NEXT MONTHLY PRAYER MEETING - Sunday 17th June, 4-5.15pm in the Church. The next opportunity to pray together will be hosted by our young adults,...
The Mandarin Community would like you to join the Party for the Dragon Boat Festival, 6-9pm Saturday 23rd June at CBC.
There will be a Special Meeting at 11:30am on the 24th June at CBC to seek approval of recommended appointment to Mandarin Pastor role.
Don’t miss our next church prayer meeting Sunday 15th July @ 4pm. There’s much we want to put in God’s hands for our life and ministry...
We will be running a Creating Safe Spaces Workshop on Saturday afternoon 28th July starting at 1.30pm at CBC.
We will have a formal induction for Nick Song into the role of Pastor for our Mandarin community as part of our 10am Celebration Service next Sunday....
A special combined service involving local Baptist Churches is planned for 9.30am on Sunday 12th August, to take place at Epping Baptist Church. This service will replace our usual Sunday services...