Come and join us for our Carols & Nativity Service at 10am on Sunday 22 December. English, Mandarin, Korean. All Ages. All welcome!
Combined Service: 9am
Lunch: 11am-1pm
Enjoy Good Food, Friendship & Christmas Activities to celebrate the birth of Jesus
Please bring a plate of food to share. For more information contact the Church office
Fun, Food & Fellowship. Join us in the Hall at CBC. $20 Donation for Angeltree/Prison Fellowship
Saturday 30 November, 2pm at Carlingford Baptist Church.
$20 Donation for Angeltree/Prison Fellowship.
Contact the Church office if you would like to attend –
Our next quarterly Church Meeting will be held on Sunday 24 November at 12:15pm.
Reports will be available from the Admin Section of the website from Sunday 10 November.
A Morning of Encouragement, Empowerment, and Eating!
Saturday 16 November 7:45 – 9:30am at Carlingford Baptist Church
Cost – $10
Guest Speaker – Ian Westmoreland (founder of Mentoring Men)
Contact the office if you would like to attend on
10am Church Meeting – for a short talk, awards & photos
12-1:30pm Lunch – Bring food to share from your country.
See your teacher & classmates again!
We will be having a farewell dinner for Karen & Arthur Chan on Saturday 31 August from 5pm.
Please bring a dish to share. It will be an informal night to share together with Arthur & Karen as a community & express our appreciation for the valuable contribution they have made to the ministry at CBC.
If you would like to contribute to a Love gift from the CBC Church family, please deposit into the Church account with the reference ChanLoveGift or place your gift in a marked envelope in the offering bag.
Our Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 25 August at 12:15pm. Reports will be available in the admin section of the website from Sunday 11 August.
An afternoon for getting to know each other, laughter, and learning a new cooking skill from Vietnam. After a short devotion, we’ll be hearing from Dianne Copelin about her visits to Vietnam.
Then have fun making our own spring rolls from a selection of ingredients.
We will finish with a Vietnamese afternoon tea.
Cost $20. Please RSVP to the Church Office or 9872 3022 by 10 June.